
HOME: Paris, France (Not Texas!).
GENDER: My best answer would be: Irrelevant.

Or, if you insist: *.
Or, if you really really really insist: genderfluid.
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn, my Dear!
WHAT’S QUEER: According to me, if you know what’s is Queer then Queer’s dead.
WHY PORN: My body is a hand grenade (Peace sells, but who’s buying?).
WILDEST FANTASY: Everything’s Star Trek… As long as it’s Safe, Sane and Consensual?
CANT LIVE WITHOUT: Right now, my bike (I might even consider myself a bikesexual!).
MAKES ME HOT: To see someone else getting a blow job.
MAKES ME NOT: To get a blowjob?
VICES: I’m into BDSM. Some think it’s a vice… But I’d say chocolate and being (Too much!) a seducer. Head turner, you said?
I WANT: … The world and I want it now!
TWITTER: To me, Tweety is a bird. Birds are girls with short-cropped hair. What else? http://www.MMIY.org/, maybe?