Mistress Kinako

HOME: Tokyo
GENDER: Femme Queer
WHAT’S QUEER: The Molotov cocktail that smashes and shatters preexisting notions of gender. 
WHY PORN: Why not? 
WILDEST FANTASY: Living in my mansion with countless subs as a 80-something granny domme with a pastel violet bob and cane in hand. I don’t need that cane for walking, though. 
CANT LIVE WITHOUT: BDSM, sensuality, my collection of art books. 
MAKES ME HOT: What serves my mood. 
MAKES ME NOT: Ignorance of any kind.
I WANT: to live in a perfect world where sexuality of any kind isn’t considered “taboo”; a world void of shame based on one’s sexuality and sexual needs.
VICES: Chocolate and cloves
TWITTER: @MistressKinako

“Seen, Not Heard” by Royal Fetish Films: King Noire, Jet Setting Jasmine, and Liv Revamped

Seen Not Heard (Breast Milk Cum Shot) 

by Royal Fetish Films

King Noire and Jet Setting Jasmine’s sub, LivRevamped, just can’t keep her anticipation to herself.  She is caged and free to moan below them as they fuck atop her cage but her vying for attention gets her just that. 

Jasmine and King’s time was interrupted and they are left with no choice but to punish their brat. She is removed from her cage and stood up to receive her lashes from floggers, canes, a shoe horn and a riding crop. 

From tickle torture, hot wax and spankings to teaching her to shut her mouth by filling it with King’s dick and Jasmine’s pussy —Liv’s lesson pushes her limits of torture and ecstasy.  The punishment transforms to pure pleasure as strokes and licks end in an explosion of cum and breastmilk all over her attention seeking face!

This film was made by the fine folks at royalfetishxxx.com, and we have paid for the pleasure of sharing it with our beloved members. We encourage you to follow Royal Fetish and their future work!


King Noire- @kingnoire  

Jet Setting Jasmine- @jetsetjasmine

Directed by: Jet Setting Jasmine & King Noire

Camera: The Sinnamatographer 


the indie porn revolution: subversive smut made by ladies, artists, and queers.