Mistress Kinako

HOME: Tokyo
GENDER: Femme Queer
WHAT’S QUEER: The Molotov cocktail that smashes and shatters preexisting notions of gender. 
WHY PORN: Why not? 
WILDEST FANTASY: Living in my mansion with countless subs as a 80-something granny domme with a pastel violet bob and cane in hand. I don’t need that cane for walking, though. 
CANT LIVE WITHOUT: BDSM, sensuality, my collection of art books. 
MAKES ME HOT: What serves my mood. 
MAKES ME NOT: Ignorance of any kind.
I WANT: to live in a perfect world where sexuality of any kind isn’t considered “taboo”; a world void of shame based on one’s sexuality and sexual needs.
VICES: Chocolate and cloves
TWITTER: @MistressKinako

the indie porn revolution: subversive smut made by ladies, artists, and queers.