Maxine Holloway

HOME: San Francisco, CA
WHAT’S QUEER: The constant expansion of who and what I want to nuzzle against and how that identifies me. Fucking outside the lines is fantastic!
WHY PORN: Porn can communicate and inspire amazing and intense ideas about our sexuality, bodies and desires. Plus I adore every one that I work with!
WILDEST FANTASY: I want a house full of sexy mormon sister wives & husbands! And I want to be fucked on the side of the road in an old dusty truck real baddddddd
CANT LIVE WITHOUT: Hairspray, lovely friends, travel, making out
MAKES ME HOT: Big hair, waitresses, cowgirls&boys, monster trucks, dirt, airstream trailers, hickeys, bites, hair pulling, choking, being thrown agains a wall
MAKES ME NOT: Bad tippers
VICES: Whiskey, gin and original sin.
I WANT: to dry hump more
TWITTER: @maxineholloway



Kid Crooked

HOME: toronto
GENDER: tomboy
WHAT’S QUEER: everything down the rabbit hole
WHY PORN: because i’m great at fucking & i love queer sex. and because the crip community needs to see themselves starring in awesome feminist smut.
WILDEST FANTASY: i recently watched the movie carnage, and the whole time i was hoping kate winslet would grab jodie foster by her hair barrette and just start topping the shit out her. i also fantasized about getting blow jobs while playing scrabble.
MAKES ME HOT: wit, albee, verbal teasing, topping, public bathrooms.
MAKES ME NOT: misogyny, bad communicators, bullies
VICES: leos
I WANT: it all
TWITTER: @kidcrooked


the indie porn revolution: subversive smut made by ladies, artists, and queers.