Arabelle Raphael’s Twin Peaks!
Somewhere deep in the woods, where no one can hear you scream, a mystery woman conjures you into the darkness…. And while Arabelle didn’t kill Laura Palmer, she sure looks suspicious of her own witchery. The owls may not be what they seem, but Arabelle Raphael is one damn good cup of coffee…
90 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble
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Cum and Glitter: Maxine Holloway and Siouxsie Q
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I know, we like to exaggerate here at Indie Porn Revolution. We have a way with our words. But this time, we simply aren’t joking: this live performance of Maxine Holloway and Siouxsie Q is an intense journey into submissive headspace, where a role play of a butcher selling, killing, and raping her prize pig takes us into a shamefully dark place; Panties wet and wanting to watch, we are ashamed that something about this seems so familiar. As porn performers, we put our bodies up for this kind of scrutiny in ways our fans will never know. Behind the scenes judgements from profit-greedy bosses, competitive glances from co-workers (though we crave community), and self-imposed roadblocks are par for the course. This scene confronts the realities of working in the adult industry and turns it into a sexual fantasy, a romantic and tragic narrative that mixes sex, personal, political, and performance in more ways we’ve ever seen here at our tiny little porn site.
Cum and Glitter is one of those magical places where sex workers get to share these secrets, heal our open wounds, and have intensely passionate sex in public with the people they love, respect, and desire. We thank Maxine and Siouxsie Q for sharing this performance with us, and we hope you our audience enjoys this departure from our usually over-communicated sex positive atmosphere to play with what the darkness and sadness a scene like this can bring to our own sexual fantasies. All sex acts were consensual and rehersed, and we would like to extend this warning that this material includes role plays of cutting, beating, sex while bound, rape play, and symbolically presented murder and suicide performance. We do not condone the actual killing and raping of pigs, or porn stars. Thank you.
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Sadie Lune: Broke Queer Whore, Having a Baby
Sadie Lune recently graced our studio with her beautiful round belly, saucy face and no hesitation to model out some seriously hot photos, all while pregnant. Don’t start thinking this is some typical pregnant mother shoot; it is far from it. Sadie came to us with full-on whore power, rocking her belly, grabbing her tits, playing with a maternity ball, and of course, touching her pussy! Plus, oh my goodness, the scene that followed… wowza!! But you’ll just have to wait for that. This set is titled Broke Queer Whore, Having a Baby, because that’s exactly what Sadie’s shirt said for it. That’s not evening mentioning her awesome sperm clad purple boxers! This babe is so much fun and we hope to see her on our set so much more!!
50 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble
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James Darling, Cyd Loverboy, & Red Jackhammer
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Two-on-one? Check. Switching? Check. Multi-handed, multi-holed fisting? Check. Gender-bending fluidity all around? Uhhh, yeah, triple CHECK! So, check out the hotness that is James Darling, Cyd Loverboy, and Red Jackhammer in the ultimate threesome…
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