Arabelle Raphael: En Rose

It’s time to get pretty with porn star Arabelle Raphael. This short and sweet photoshoot let’s Arabelle’s true beauty shine bright. That hair, those eyes, that unbelievably gorgeous body! I feel like she’s reading my mind in this set… do you feel her too? Swoon!

25 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble/Editing by Ella Quincy

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Bianca Stone: Femme Bear

The femme bear that leaves us ready to hibernate, inside, with just our computers and her damn sexy self, is back!! Besides being just a major hottie, Bianca is a ton of fun, and witty as hell! This set has a bunch of that personality and is also just straight up breathtaking. It was so hard to pick just 5 pictures to share with you all! Hope you have as much fun checking out the gorgeous Bianca as we did!

77 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble

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We can hardly contain ourselves, the AVN Awards have gifted us with a 2013 nomination for…


A message from our fearless leader, Courtney Trouble:

Indie Porn Revolution, the site that I called No Fauxxx (no fakes!) when it launched exactly ten years ago this month, got a grand nomination for Best Alternative Porn Site. FUCK YEAH! My 18 year old self was struggling so much with this idea that my body, in all of it’s fatness and queerness, wasn’t worth showing. After countless rejections from “alt porn” sites, I fought back by starting my own – a site where anyone of any gender, size, race, or subculture affiliations could revel in their own unique sexiness and define, or undefine, themselves. I never, ever thought that this all-inclusive, all-over-the-place porn format would become common-place, or even duplicated by anyone anywhere ever at all. Needless to say, porn has shifted – and now a site built on fighting stereotypes, body shaming, white-washing, and queer-bashing with gorgeous images moving and still of people who refuse to fake it – has truly started the revolution of it’s new name-sake. Recognized by AVN as one of the best Alt Porn sites is huge, because now indie porn IS alt porn. Feminist-made, art-driven, anti-oppression building, revolution-starting porn IS the new alternative porn. We are living it and loving it, and somehow I feel like a major goal has been reached. The fight has been acknowledged. And accepted.

Courtney Trouble will be present at the awards, which take place on January 19th 2013 in Las Vegas. If you like, you can cheer us on from the fan areas on the red carpet at the Hard Rock, or just show us your love in the comments area below!

Power Jones: Jerk Off (Part 2 of 2)

We’re still pretty proud over here that Courtney made it out alive after that first shoot of Power Jones, without serious injury caused from covering the floor in drool and pussy juice all while teetering in heels, shooting the ever-so-sexy, Power Jones.  BUT OH WOW GUYS! Part two is here, and we may have to get the fainting room ready. In this part of the set, Power takes things to the next level, setting his cock to the side and picking up the lovely curve of the stainless steel Njoy, and then having a seriously hot self fucking.  I know I say this all the time, but you really need to see this!!

56 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble

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the indie porn revolution: subversive smut made by ladies, artists, and queers.