Red Jackhammer & Chastity Boner: Office Sex

Ever wondered what No Fauxxx Headquarters looked like? Well, here’s our office in all it’s glory… and YES, we ALWAYS have hot queer porn stars like Red Jackahmmer and Chastity Boner fucking on our desk. Stay tuned, in three days, we’ve got a companion video of Chastity squirting all over the place!!!!

94 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble

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Feminist Porn Award Nominations!

Yay! We are so excited to announce that NoFauxxx.Com has been nominated for Best Porn Site for the 2010 Feminist Porn Awards.   WE LOVE THEM and couldn’t be more thrilled with this sweet and sexy nod. This is the first year ever that the FPA’s have considered websites into the mix, and we do hope we win!  You can help by posting your love for No Fauxxx everywhere you live online, like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, your blog – or let Good For Her know how much you think we deserve the award!  In the end it all comes down to the judges, but a little promotion never hurt anybody!

You can use these new banners to help promote No Fauxxx on the internet. Please, just steal our bandwidth if you don’t feel like saving these to your computer. We don’t mind 😉

Also, No Fauxxx creator Courtney Trouble has 6 films nominated at the FPA’s as well! Check out her blog post about them.

the indie porn revolution: subversive smut made by ladies, artists, and queers.