Billy Castro : Skater Boy

Billy Castro is fast becoming a very big porn star. With prominent roles in Speakeasy, Bordello, and an upcoming film on the way, he proves time and time again that being a buff, raunchy, rough-fucking transguy doesn’t mean you can’t also be a sweet, caring, funny, and light-hearted lover. He is the best of oh-so-many worlds, and this candid photoshoot attempts to show you every side of him.

98 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble

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Kimberly Kane: Sweet

We were lucky to catch Kimberly Kane just moments before her film Morphine hit the shelves and she took off into ultra stardom, winning AVN awards for her acting, and fucking, in several mainstream films. We have to say, fame looks good on her, but we also love this sweet, sassy, and smart art-addicted, insanely creative Kimberly Kane as a blonde!

52 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble

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the indie porn revolution: subversive smut made by ladies, artists, and queers.