HOME: Bay Area
GENDER: femme bear
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagitarius
WHAT’S QUEER: Bea Arthur. A patron saint of queer femme bears.
WHY PORN: Got into it out of need which then evolved into a creative practice that has given me an immense amount of growth and personal empowerment.
WILDEST FANTASY: Really really long chase scene (I’m being chased) and then consensually kidnapped and fucked by my capturer.
CANT LIVE WITHOUT: my loved ones. solidarity.
MAKES ME HOT: asphyxiation. furry folx. bad tattoos. witches. faeries. brats. feet. autonomy. sassy sensitive people.
MAKES ME NOT: lack of a critical analysis. all swagger but no realness.
VICES: hoarding junk. collecting resources. stockpiling analog technology.
I WANT: a sex worker riot.
TWITTER: @xBiancaStonex