Category Archives: NoFauxxx Foxes

Golden Curlz

golden-curlz-bio-picHOME: oakland/chicago/mn
GENDER: lady
WHAT’S QUEER: any human or idea audacious enough to exist outside of the status quo
WHY PORN: why not?! i’ve wanted to ever since i was little, so
CANT LIVE WITHOUT: bright colors, smiles, sex, my (high) femme sisters, weed, sunshine
MAKES ME HOT: fake confidence, direct communication, public sex, porn, consensual touching, butch daddies, femme fags, sluts, grinding on the dance floor to booty jams
MAKES ME NOT: selfishness, unchecked privilege, narcissists
VICES: looking at butts, sugar, and smoking…
I WANT: a houseboi, and like, world peace

Lyric Seal

Screenshot 2013-12-28 21.45.01HOME: Oakland, CA

GENDER: Genderqueer Femme

ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius

WHAT’S QUEER: Queer is tough and sweet and briny and bloody and all fruit

WHY PORN: Because queer bodies are better than Disneyland. I wanna look, I wanna play, I want you to fucking see me.

WILDEST FANTASY: I don’t think it’s that wild, but having sex with Lana Del Rey while Dressed as Lana Del Rey while covered in our blood, then post-coitus, diving into the sea.

CANT LIVE WITHOUT: Places to dance, people to dance with,  eggrolls, lipstick, cute purse, circle pits, queer family, porno fries, animals, bodies of water and pussy, pussy, pussy.

MAKES ME HOT: Leather daddies, capable dancers, bossy femmes, wetness,  lying on my stomach in the sand, lesbian bookworms, Tatiana de la Tierra, tattoos,  righteous anger, butt touches.

MAKES ME NOT: Any erotica involving presidents, racist punx,  disrespecting my wheelchair, cops or impersonation of cops.

VICES: Nasty dance parties, cigarettes and whiskey in combination, The L Word.

I WANT: To continue to build really glorius, earth-shattering/earth-

withstanding, radical queer family.


Poppy Cox

poppy-cox-bike-slut (21 of 219)HOME: Portland/London/Berlin
GENDER: Mega-femme bike-sexual
WHAT’S QUEER: having no need for, and/or rejecting the need for a definition
WHY PORN: I want to make porn better and my orgasms are too good to keep to myself.
WILDEST FANTASY: high speed chases to rooftops/mountain tops
CANT LIVE WITHOUT: Mademoiselle Margo (My Bicycle), Coffee, Liquid Eyeliner
MAKES ME HOT: rough hands, bike grease, communication, bicycle butts, hairy chests, eccentric outfits, cardboard craftiness
MAKES ME NOT: SUVs, anti-porn feminists, sandals with socks
VICES: coffee, manhattans, cutting other peoples tonails
I WANT: shoes, cats, a hot dog
TWITTER: @misspoppycox

Syd Blakovich

GENDER: Female/Boi/Mercenary
ZODIAC SIGN: Gemini with a touch of Taurus
WHAT’S QUEER: glitter, the Bay, processing, crafting, being slutty, animal prints, electro, and girls who are boys who like boys to be girls who do girls like they’re boys
WHY PORN: “When you do what you love, you will never have to work.”
CANT LIVE WITHOUT: Sweat, Good Food and Sex
MAKES ME HOT: Ballsy Broads, Brutal Honesty, Big Brains and alliteration
VICES: Love & Travel
I WANT: everything I have
TWITTER: @SydBlakovich


Ari Crow

HOME: other places.
GENDER: transgender, genderqueer, hard femme, faerie woman
ZODIAC SIGN: Cancer, and it matters!
WHAT’S QUEER: Being queer for me means that I can feel validated within ambiguity and grow in that space in different directions.
WHY PORN: I see sex as something magical, and potentially spiritual/powerful and something that should be explored with consideration, magic, and consent…capturing that for viewing is really cool to me. I have never been in porn before, so i’m still developing my thoughts on being in it, but i love watching it!
WILDEST FANTASY: For me it’s just having an instant, (non)verbal connection with someone I just met and having sex with them however that looks….but, in a forest..with beautiful music…we might be faeries.
CANT LIVE WITHOUT: imagination
MAKES ME HOT: feminists, self expression, goth music, bondage, your desires/kinks, consent, good feelings..
MAKES ME NOT: inauthenticity.
VICES: mirrors
I WANT: to feel.
TWITTER: @AriCrowishere