Tag Archives: anal

Michelle Austin Loves Ruckus

[KGVID poster=”http://www.indiepornrevolution.com/indie-porn/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Screenshot-2014-04-26-16.32.14.png” width=”960″ height=”540″]http://www.indiepornrevolution.com/indie-porn/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/michelle-ruckus-clip.mp4[/KGVID]

Michelle Austin has a serious crush on Ruckus, and the gorgeous tattooed boy couldn’t help but crush right back. Somehow this hard core porn turned romantic, and we aren’t complaining! It’s still down right dirty, making it another one of our perfect hard-and-horny-and-full-of-love porn classics!

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Syd Blakovich, Jiz Lee, and Madison Young: The Blakovich Spot

[KGVID poster=”http://www.indiepornrevolution.com/members/models/deepthroat/images/_MG_5102.JPG” width=”700″ height=”350″]http://www.indiepornrevolution.com/indie-porn/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/deepthroatclipnew.mov[/KGVID]

In a scene inspired by the cult classic porn “Deep Throat,” Jiz, Syd, and Madison bust out some serious cock sucking, hardcore fucking threesome skills. Needless to say, this is my ultimate wet dream. Enjoy the clip, and buy Nostalgia if you wanna see the whole 20 minute scene.


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Scout and Lascivia

[FMP width=”100%” height=”360″ poster=”http://www.indiepornrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/scout-lasc-banner.jpg”]http://www.indiepornrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/scout-lascivia-trailer.mov[/FMP]


Think we just gave it all away?? Nope! That was just the beginning. This scene is full of tons and tons of amazing squirting!! These two are also super cute and have the hottest chemistry.


Directed by Courtney Trouble

Member’s Only: Watch it Now!

[KGVID poster=”http://www.indiepornrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/scout-lasc-banner.jpg” width=”700″ height=”400″]http://indiepornrevolution.com/members/videos/scout-lascivia-clip.m4v[/KGVID]

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Tina Horn pays James Darling and Vid Tuesday to fuck in a brothel

This photoset is straight from the Tricks/Whores montage in Courtney Trouble’s film Bordello, Tina’s a “trick” at the queer brothel, and Vid and James are her chosen playmates for the evening. It’ that age-old boy-boy-girl fantasy, where the girl makes the boys make out and fuck before they get to have her. Except this scene is very, very queer – with Tina Horn being a total master with a strap-on cock, even in heels!

34 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble

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