Tag Archives: canada

Scout and Lascivia: Butch makes femme squirt way too many times!

Scout and Lacsivia, fucking in the hot pink brightness of a femme bedroom paradise, these queers are no strangers to each others bodies. Lascivia squirts five times before flipping Scout with a sexy strap on, aimed at Scout’s perfect ass.

52 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble

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Drew Deveaux: One Night in Toronto

[FMP poster=”http://www.nofauxxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/drewtorontoclip_thumb2.jpg” width=”100%” height=”360″]http://www.nofauxxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/drewtorontoclip.mov[/FMP]

Drew Deveaux became a porn star overnight. Over this exact night, to be exactly exact! This night in question would be the fateful night that her first porn appearance in Tobi Hill-Meyer’s Doing It Ourselves: The Trans Woman Porn Project was revealed at the Feminist Porn Awards. We shot this incredible hotel balcony masturbation scene at an FPA afterparty, while the rest of the queer porn mafia gave massages and played sex games inside. We’ve pretty much been lusting after her ever since.


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