Tag Archives: costume

Emerald X File: Alien by Ajapornfilms

On the set of We Cum In Peace, Ajapornfilms and Courtney Trouble booth took a few hundred photos of Emerald X File in her alien princess later ego – this is what Ajapornfilm’s saw through her magnificent lens!

emerald-alien-by-aja-0947 emerald-alien-by-aja-1084 emerald-alien-by-aja-1246

134 photos / photos by Ajapornfilms


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Ms. Tytania’s Bitch Face

When Kitty Stryker went to London, she couldn’t resist capturing her friend Ms. Tytania giving her best bitch face! This fearless leader of the incredible Urban Chick Supremacy Cell (a Femdom site which fought British obscenity charges and won) is celebrating her 50th birthday with all the fierceness she can muster. Ms. Tytania has us howling at the moon. Rawr!

90 photos / photos by Kitty Stryker



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Charlie & Jeff: FTM fucks a femme in costume

[KGVID poster=”http://www.indiepornrevolution.com/indie-porn/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/jeffcharlie-clip_thumb35.jpg” width=”700″ height=”404″]http://www.nofauxxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/jeffcharlie-clip.mov[/KGVID]

Charlie is a hot, mysterious queer femme. Jeff is a smokin-hot transman who takes her home and fucks her, only to get the switch and recieve an incredibly hot blowjob in return. This kinky, quirky scene from Roulette Dirty South is a prime example of queer fucking at it’s finest!

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