Trouble’s taken her sexuality into her own hands. Trashy high femme on the outside, dirty little boy on the inside, vain, curvaceous, and you know… troublelicious!
We’re getting a little frisky here at No Fauxxx! You know that no photo shoot is ever like the one before, and this one’s no different. It’s our first foot fetish photo set, and who better to show off her tootsies than Sarah Lee Sinful!
Dylan’s got a fierce, sexy confidence that turns us on to no end. Her contributions to the queer porn genre, as well as the mainstream, have been truly authentic, courageous, and brilliant – and we fucking love her.
The heat, the humidity, the longing for wetness, and of course, Dylan Ryan’s cut off shorts are things of the past, at least for now – but you can relive the sultry-est season with this photo gallery. We are missing the summer heat in the worst of ways.