This is an up close and personal shoot in a glittering bathtub with Kid Crooked and Pup. We love these two performers! In this scene they play with their cocks, kiss, and touch and touch!! Kid Crooked is an amazing pervy perv who loves queer sex and getting to show a member of the crip community starring in feminist smut. Pup is a self-identified baby bear with one of the most sincere smiles we’ve seen in a long time.
You know how you all are obsessing about Billy Castro all the time? Billy is definitely one of our most popular foxes, by far. Well, get this.. This scene is the first solo scene he ever did. That’s right. Billy is here all by himself, lifting weights, and then jerking himself off till he’s all sorts of hot and sweaty. Best way we’ve seen a workout ended, yet.
Hang us out to dry! James Darling could look sexy next to anything, but damn does he look good up against these T-shirts! He lays it on the line and shows us what a cutie he is in this great little set. Catch up on your James needs. Daily dose required.
Okay, so it’s pretty hard to take photos when you’re drooling all over the floor and tripping over your high heels and drowning in a flood of wet pussy juices BUT I DID IT. I TOOK PHOTOS OF POWER JONES JERKING OFF. Without dying or serious injury. I consider this a serious accomplishment. Enjoy the proof! – Courtney Trouble 😉