Tag Archives: trans

Jacques LeFemme is Magical and Naked and Perfect in His Bedroom

It’s so rare you transcend the porn tropes and get a direct line into a performer’s heart, but this photo set takes us as close as we can possibly get to Jacques – straight into his seductive bedroom. Fully naked and playing with a knife, Jacques gives us some insight into what makes him so irresistible.

77 photos / photos by Courtney Trouble


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Andre Shakti and Jacques LeFemme: Queer BDSM

In the warm embrace of trans man Jacques LeFemme’s home BDSM parlour, stunning fit femme beauty Andre Shakti finds relief after a stressful day.

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Hayley Fingersmith: Pretty in Pink

Hayley has come and stolen our hearts… it’s okay, she can fuckin’ have them. Look at her in this perfect vintage pink slip and those dirty panties… in her wet mouth… #nervous

This girl is adooorrraaabbbllllleeeee.  Thank you Hayley!

118 photos / by celebrity guest photographer Courtney Trouble


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Fluxxx Fuck: Big Papa, E.M. Pendleton, and Mitch Shell

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The heat of Tucson must have gotten to us, because this threesome is so sexy it feels like a mirage. Big Papa may seem like the boss, but E.M and Mitch’s real-life-couple chemistry throws him for a loop. He can’t just sit back and smoke his cigar, he has to get right into the heat himself and grab some of the action.

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