Erin: Say Hello!

Say Hello to Erin, our newest No Fauxxx Fox! You’re about to see a lot more of her in an upcoming video with her real life partner Jules, but today, this update is all about her! This was a fun photo shoot! Honestly anytime an adorable lady takes her clothes off outside, I get pretty excited, but this really was a lot of fun! Check out her fox page to learn more about Erin!!

73 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble

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J Bird: First Date


This photoshoot is an invitation to go on a virtual first date with sexy city boy J Bird. Go ahead, take off your jacket. Sit down on the edge of the bed. Bask in the sunlight coming through the window. It’s a magnificent view – and that San Francisco skyline ain’t so bad either!

64 Photos / Photography by Courtney Trouble

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HOME: Coruscant
GENDER: pretty kitty
ZODIAC SIGN: the bull
WHY PORN: why not?
CANT LIVE WITHOUT: tattoos, hardcore music, orgasms, tour life
MAKES ME HOT: boys and girls with tattoos, musicians
MAKES ME NOT: limitations
VICES: boys in bands, lipstick lesbians
I WANT: the world
TWITTER: @jennakiddxxx

the indie porn revolution: subversive smut made by ladies, artists, and queers.