James Darling, Cyd Loverboy, & Red Jackhammer

[FMP width=”100%” height=”360″ poster=”http://www.indiepornrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Screen-Shot-2013-02-13-at-4.03.14-PM.png”]http://www.indiepornrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/red-james-cyd-clip.m4v[/FMP]


Two-on-one? Check. Switching? Check. Multi-handed, multi-holed fisting? Check. Gender-bending fluidity all around? Uhhh, yeah, triple CHECK! So, check out the hotness that is James Darling, Cyd Loverboy, and Red Jackhammer in the ultimate threesome


Member’s Only: Watch it Now!

[KGVID poster=”http://www.indiepornrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/red-james-cyd.jpg” width=”700″ height=”400″]http://indiepornrevolution.com/members/videos/red-james-cyd.m4v[/KGVID]

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